Sports are my escape

Most of us have our way of escaping this world. A way of just focusing on that one thing and just letting everything else of significance disappear. It might be music, it could be writing, drawing or anything that you are passionate about. Well the way I escape is through sports, if I am reading, talking, listening and watching sports I am lost in that world. Some people think that my knowledge and support for my teams are ridiculous, but they don’t understand that it is my escape from my sometimes harsh and cruel world.

When I look out on the infield, the turf, the hardwood, and the ice. I don’t see a sports game, I see places where my hurts, hangups, abandonment, and insecurities just melt away. I don’t even really care if my team wins or loses I just relish in the fact that these games take my thoughts to another place, a place where it doesn’t hurt and I don’t think about who have hurt me. Watching the people I look up to and not having a care in the world except for what is going on during that game. I love sports and I love my life but sometimes sports allow me to escape the times I don’t love my life.

As I get older and mature more I am starting to realize that it is just a game and that escaping isn’t the best way to live life. I have a great redeemer and father who can help me heal way more than sports ever can. Although I love sports I have found a greater way to cope and to heal and that can be found in the never ending love and grace of Jesus Christ.

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