I want to keep showing the love

I love people…most of the time, but how to show more love to people has been on my mind lately. I have been thinking of ways I can show the love and grace that God shows me every single day. People are awesome, everyone has their own special story and is unique in their own new way, they deserve to be treated like it.

One thing I would like to do in the future is to not be afraid to compliment people, even if I don’t know them. I oftentimes find myself afraid of giving others compliments for fear of being labeled a weirdo. But I love compliments! I have come to realize that other people do. I can brighten a persons days with a few kind words. I shouldn’t be afraid of that, especially with God on my side.

Another way I can show that I love and care for others is by giving them my time. When you give someone your time you are showing that you care for them, value them and want to be with them. I do not need to be more available, which is something I am already good at, I need to show people that they matter to me by giving them 100% of my time. They deserve nothing less than that.

I guess I am saying that I want to be more loving in general, which is a big theme of my blog. Being loving is the easiest way to exemplify Christ and be a light in this world. So this year and this next semester especially I want to love on others!

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